bell curve

美 [ˈbel kɜːrv]英 [ˈbel kɜːv]
  • n.钟形曲线
bell curvebell curve


mathematics 数钟形曲线
a line on a graph that rises to a high round curve in the middle, showing normal distribution

  1. All grades are plotted along the normal bell curve .


  2. A normal distribution is the classic bell curve that appears so frequently in statistics .


  3. After two decades of systemic growth , the whole bell curve of income distribution moves to the right .


  4. If you know what failures look like statistically , they follow a Poisson distribution , aka a bell curve .


  5. Such distributions can be modelled by a mathematical function known as the normal distribution-or bell curve .


  6. For a nice evenly exposed image , the bars on your histogram should be an evenly distributed wide bell curve .


  7. Such distributions can be modelled by a mathematical function known as the normal distribution-or " bell curve . "


  8. But the big hump in the bell curve the majority of the school-age population matters a lot for the economic health of countries .


  9. The experience level of people performing an activity tends , like most population distributions , to follow the classic statistical bell curve ( see Figure 3-1 ) .


  10. It 's more profitable to focus on the bulge in the bell curve , sending their shorter clients to tailors .


  11. Staff have long complained that they lead to a " rank and yank " process , where people rated lowest on a bell curve get forced out .


  12. View your workday as a bell curve : Start with easy , pleasant tasks as you 're working on your first ( or second ) cup of coffee .


  13. Now , assuming the left side of a bell curve peaking around the present , that would bring the total up to 193 men . Plus or eight men .


  14. In any organisation there 's a bell curve of people 's abilities , and we know that a small but significant number of people will be at the wrong end of it .


  15. The phrase comes from the concept of the Bell curve , in which it seems like most of the action takes place in the center , underneath the giant bulge .


  16. Whether in an individual coal pit , oil , or gas field , a nation or the planet as a whole , fossil fuel reserves and production tend to follow a bell curve over time .


  17. Thirdly , the definition of water using quantity of ecological environment is analyzed . The relationship between vegetable growth and water using quantity in a terrestrial ecosystem can be described by the Bell Curve of Tolerance Law .


  18. He decided to use a very standard type of curve the Gaussian copula , which is better known as a bell curve , or normal distribution to map and determine the correlation on any given portfolio of assets .


  19. And then there was the customer who somehow manned both ends of the bell curve : He took advantage of Mr. Arifai 's generosity , even as he expressed concern about the server 's pending unemployment .


  20. If you do an audit of columnists " byline pictures - which range from the fairly gorgeous to the not-gorgeous at all - I think you will agree that the resulting bell curve matches the national distribution .


  21. Their plotted data typically shows some type of bell curve to the heart benefits from exercise , meaning that the more people work out , the less they are at risk of cardiac problems - up to a point , and then the benefits plateau or decline .


  22. Indeed , at one end of the bell curve , customers will have an " economically rational " attitude , Dr. Vohs said : " ' I 'll take everything I can and leave no money , because the restaurant 's letting me do it . " "


  23. Results Using relative frequency distribution curve constructed by measured data , we can judge whether it is a symmetric bell shaped curve or not .


  24. The results showed that the dependency of the initial rate on the water activity followed a classical bell - shaped curve .


  25. The intake bell mouth took the curve of catenaries to improve flow pattern and to increase discharging capacity .
